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  • Writer's pictureKelvin Wright

Don't Call It a Comeback.

Strange but good morning so far. I woke up bright and early today at 5:30am to take a certification exam I had been studying for the past month or so, and proceeded to bomb away on it. Definitely was taken by surprise by half the questions asked. What was different was no sense of defeat and capitulation. More a sense of acknowledge, and then deeper thoughts about why was I doing this, where was it leading me, and did I still want to go? All good things to do when a reassessment is needed or to gauge whether the path you are on is the right one. Needless to say I came out of that exercise reinvigorated. So much so, I did something I had been procrastinating about for the last....forever, which is to reach out to people who I had lost touch with. I tried this same exercise last week, and my mood took tumble when no response was given, but I am on a new bandwidth I believe today. I let the non-response determine my outlook on life, and my viewpoint and standing in the world, and now I just know it is just one act of many that I can use, acknowledge, and then proceed forward. I am in control of my mood. Nothing else.

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