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  • Writer's pictureKelvin Wright

Ode to Saturday Morning Cartoons

Boy, did this use to be a thing. If there was ever a time of the week I would like forward to it was Saturday mornings. I would get up around 8-ish and fix a bowl of cereal. If the pickings were slim, it would be Corn Flakes with tons of sugar with maybe sliced bananas if they were available, but if the going was good there would be Fruity Peebles or Honey Smacks, or Capt. Crunch.

Once plopped in front of the tv, I recall major blocks of tv time devoted to Looney Tunes on CBS, mixed in with the Superfriends and Scooby-Doo on ABC. Some Space Ghost, or Batman somewhere in there also. And who can forget Schoolhouse Rock and its rhythms and energy. This morning time slot was hot enough property that the channels had a special cartoon show in the fall to introduce you to the lineup.

Eventually lawmakers stepped in and required more educational products, and the networks of course chose Saturdays. With the change also, more cable offerings became available and it just wasn't the same real estate any longer. If I want to watch cartoons now, the last place I would go now is network tv on a Saturday morning. I guess in equal amazement is that one of tv's longest running primetime series The Simpsons, has been around for 32 seasons offering a more mature humor and adult themes, along with Family Guy, South Park, and more. So my griping might be just nostalgia and remembering my history.

Anyway, this was all triggered by this video, a curious mash-up of the Wu-Tang Clan and Superfriends. Check it out.

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