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  • Writer's pictureKelvin Wright

Well, Hello there

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

Greetings Earthlings. I am Rocco Rizzo, take me to your leader.

What a auspicious start to my blogging career, a very nerdy start I might add. But anyway, my name is Kelvin Wright. The proprietor of this blog. Rocco Rizzo is my rap alter-ego, although I can't rap, beatbox, breakdance, or do any of the things that would encompass a hip hop artist. I just ran across the name once, and thought to myself "That would make a great rapper name." So in the words of Homer Simpson, "Patent Pending".

Anywho, if you haven't guessed it yet I am sort of an oddball. I have spent a good part of my life concealing that fact. Life can be horrible in that way, that you have to hide your light in order to draw attention to yourself. The past couple of years I have been seeking to break out of this shell/prison that I have found myself in, and depending on the mood I am in, I would quantify my efforts as either a success or dismal failure. But of late, I have been feeling very successful and seem to be moving a good direction with more energy and definitely a lot of forethought. So this blog/website will seek to encapsulate the thoughts and mad rantings of just your favorite neighborhood mutant.

When I came up with the brilliant idea that a million other people had to start this adventure, I had no clue what I would write about, just that I needed a space to start writing so hopefully the ideas I do have would have the space to explore. I have been told that the best things to write about are the things that interest you, so that will be my goal here. How that takes shape is still a mystery but I imagine it will involve politics, food,(I love food), movies, music, tv, books, gaming, technology, and any other interest of the day.

On occasion I run across an old notebook of either writings, or notes I have taken of a subject firmly in my past and it does open a view of me at a certain point of time when a particular subject was in my focus, and I get to take measure of what has happened between then and now. So this site will be a little bit of retro, a little bit of now, and a little bot of the future if that makes sense.

So buckle up and enjoy the ride.

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