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  • Writer's pictureKelvin Wright

People Make The World Go Round Pt 3

**Writers Note: I wrote this a few weeks back and for some reason never published it. Since I am lacking content, I will publish now, but it was meant as a series of post on the same day.**

And I'm back again. Three posts in one day. All time record. As I mentioned in Part 2, some thoughts give birth to thoughts and more thoughts. So here we are. I wanted to talk about the news though, although I told myself when I created this blog I wouldn't because I already followed the news with an obsession, and I wanted to move away from that and create my own news in a way instead of just consuming, or that was the thought. The events in Boulder, CO I think though had me thinking, and I guess they merit a mention.

If you haven't followed along, there was a mass shooting in a Boulder King Sooper grocery store. If it hasn't been mentioned, I lived in Denver CO for 8 years, Boulder being about a 45 minute drive away. Fun, airy town. Mork and Mindy was set there. Pretty chill place. Always had a nice time hanging out. King Sooper was a store I use to always visit in my neighborhood. Most of those visits would not be what you would call extraordinary, just your typical shopping trip. But yesterday, one King Sooper had an extraordinary event that wiped away the lives of 10 people, who I doubt woke up thinking this day would be their last. Shoppers and workers, going about their day.

Meanwhile, someone began this day thinking of violence. I doubt this was some spurt of the moment decision, although details about their motivation has not come out yet. A person needs to be in a bad place, wanting to do bad things. There are a lot of those people I imagine, but most won't act. One nice offshoot of the Covid shutdowns was the lack of mass shootings, at school or workplaces, or public gatherings because people stayed home. I was having a bad week last week but at no point causing violence to others crossed my mind. At no time did I think others should suffer because of my failings, so this all seems so senseless. Could have listening to the Stylistics given some type of levity to their plight and move them away from the act they were about to commit? Probably not.

Still thinking of those lives, going about their business. Then the next minute chaos, mayhem, and death. Is this the world going round? Should this be acceptable? How we have responded seems to say that it is. The world kept just going round when over 20 elementary school kids were murdered. The world was also going round when 60 people were killed and another 400 injured in Las Vegas. The world has kept going round with over 500K people dead in this country from Covid.

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